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E-mail: kukushkin@grafiko.ru

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CD Full four color Printing and fully automatic packaging line

CD Full four color Printing and fully automatic packaging line

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Описание товара

Вид оборудования:

Комплект для печати и упаковки CD/DVD:

CD Full four colorPrinting and fully automatic packaging line


Werner Kamman; Bronway CD-/DVD-disc;


Kammann multicolour;  HEINO ILSEMAN CD

Год выпуска:






Краткое описание:

Werner Kamman multicolor high speed CD-/DVD-disc screen printing machine,

type: 4.15.09 HSDN, machine nr.: 10971, ymf: 2004, cap.: max. ø 120 mm, 90 cycles/min (5.400/hr) with 4 electro-/pneumatic sieve pressure stations 1A/2A, 1B/2B, 4 K-Tronic UV-dry units, automatic regular cooling, CD-/DVD rest spil conveyor, stepless regulable drive, bucket sledge catch buffer, sixfold turn plate transfer with suction station, automatic sieve adjustment X -Y and R, Siemens Simatic touch panel, 2x 400 V, 50 Hz, incl. the sieve pressure frame, doctor and catch spindles, on and below bench

Bronway CD-/DVD-disc cake box packaging line comprising:

Bronway IHS 2700 cake box disc filling machine, serial nr.: IHS 2700007, cap.: 360 discs/min, with disc pick & place unit, with vacuum head, sixfold carousel spindle loading station and operator panel, De Bett Systems transit conveyor with adjustable side guides, 1 Bronway SW 2700 foil wrap applicator, cap.: 600 cake boxes/hr, thickness: 50 micron, ø: max. 250 mm, rolling height: 190 mm +-1 4 mm (100 CD-stack) min, 300 mm +/- 4 mm (175 CD-stack max., 1 Bronway ST 2700 foil shrink tunnel, cap.: 600 cake boxes/hr, with digital read, cap.: 5 kW, single faxe 220 VAC 5A + the accessoiries in steel rack


Ilsemann foil wrapping machine, type: CM 7, nr.: H04-HOF 80003, ymf: 2001, cap.: 50 cycles/min, format: B130xH55xL145 mm, foil roll width: 230 mm, foil thickness: 20-30 mm, with pneumatic foil seal station, side seal unit, Siemens C7-633 operator panel, transit conveyor, 1 ELS-200 verrijdbare, in hoogte verstelbare, automatische labelapplicator, bj.: 2003, werkbreedte: max. 95 mm, v.v. control-unit, type: SME 02 0, nr.: 4440, 220 V//ELS-200 wheeled, in heigth adjustable, automatic label applicator, ymf: 2003, work width: max. 95 mm, with control unit, type: SME 02 0, nr.: 4440, 220

CD-boxes feeding system, type: FS-20 C with 4-CD-boxes shafts, foil wrapping machine, type: CM -7 and CM 5S, designed for wrapping single

folding cartons or stacks of folding cartons with polypropylene, cellophane or PVC-foil

1 Suhling carton boxes top loading form-/filling-/closing machine and palletizer system type: CP-10-SMB 621 S4 CNC project SKM 03-01061, ymf: 2003, cap.: 4.4/min, format: B135xH155xL270 mm, with CD-box supply magazijn, servo transfer arm, boxes import supply, box opener, center unit, under and above box closing layout with adjustabel motor power side guides, max. width: 295 mm, discharge layout, 1 Stielow ALX 910 label applicator, 1 palletizer robot system, model: SMB 621 with sixfold sucker rotate head with patron pile, vacuum pump, 1 Siemens Simatic mobile operator panel, persplex protection cabinet, controle cabinet, 7 kVa, 400/230 V, 50 Hz, own weight: 1.500 kg






тел./факс:(812) 301-1126; моб.+7-921-942-7518;

kukushkin@grafiko.ru    Сергей Кукушкин

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